Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction.

Thank you for visiting the Mon Gym (“Mon Gym”) website (“Site”). This
Privacy Policy details certain policies implemented throughout Mon Gym and our franchises governing Mon Gym’s use of personally identifiable information about
customers, potential customers, and users provided to Mon Gym via this Site, registration forms for Mon Gym’s membership or otherwise provided from our
franchisees and third party affiliate entities.

By accessing
the Site, using the Site or by clicking on a box that states you accept or
agree to this Privacy Policy, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by
the following Privacy Policy. This Site is intended for entertainment
purposes only and for users 13 years of age or older.
If you are between
the ages of 13 and 17, please make sure to have your parent or legal guardian
review and discuss the Privacy Policy with you as well as Mon Gym’s Terms of Use and any other legal notices posted on this Site. If you do not
agree to this Privacy Policy of use and/or not yet 13 years of age, please do
not view, access, or otherwise use this Site.

The terms “Mon Gym” or “us” or “we” or “our” refers to Gym Consulting, Inc. dba Mon Gym
Enterprises, the owner of the Site, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners,
agents, attorneys, officers, directors, employees. The terms “you” or “your
refer to the user or viewer of the Site. The terms “use” or “using
in this agreement refers to any time when an individual (a “user”),
directly or indirectly, (a) accesses or attempts to access, displays, views,
prints or copies from the Site, (b) receives, transmits or exchanges data with
the Site or with the Site’s users, (c) registers an account with the Site or
registers for a Mon Gym class via the Site, or (d) in any way utilizes, benefits
from, or interacts with any feature, function, service of the Site for any

2. Privacy Policy Updates.

Due to the Internet’s rapidly evolving nature, Mon Gym may need to update this
Privacy Policy from time to time. Mon Gym reserves the right to change, modify,
or otherwise alter our Privacy Policy at any time and at our sole discretion
without specific notice to you. Mon Gym will post any updated Privacy Policy
on our Site so you are always aware of what personally identifiable information
we may collect and how we may use this information. Mon Gym encourages you to
review this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes. Your continued use of
this Site and/or continued provision of personally identifiable information to
us or our franchisees will be subject to the terms of the then-current Privacy
Policy and shall constitute your acceptance and acknowledgement of the
then-current Privacy Policy.

3. Information Collection and Use.

You can generally visit our Site without revealing any personally identifiable
information about yourself. However, in certain sections of this Site, we may
require you to register for an account or a Mon Gym class, or we may invite you
to submit questions or comments or request information, subscribe to
newsletters, and participate in surveys, questionnaires, promotions,
sweepstakes or contests. Due to the nature of some of these activities, we may
ask that you complete and submit an online form with personally identifiable
information such as your name, username, email address, and other contact
information. You may refuse to submit any personally identifiable information
through the Site in which case you can still view certain aspects of the Site
but will not be able to participate in certain services offered by the Site.

We may use your personally identifiable information to enroll your child in a
class, deliver certain services, products or information you have requested,
verify your authority to enter certain password protected areas of the Site,
send you notices for products and/or services that you have used or that may be
of interest to you, send you newsletters, and improve the content and general
administration of the Site.

You should not provide any personally identifiable information, register for an
account or class, subscribe to newsletters, or participate in surveys,
questionnaires, promotions, sweepstakes or contests unless you are at least 13
years of age.

4.Children’s Privacy.

This Site is not intended for use by children under the age of 13 years old.
Mon Gym recognizes the privacy interests of children and we encourage parents
and guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities and
interests. Mon Gym does not target or solicits our services or this Site to
children under 13 years of age but rather targets our services and this Site to
parents. Mon Gym does not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable
information from children under the age of 13 or knowingly permit any children
under the age of 13 years old to register with or use the Site. If a user
indicates that he or she is under age 13 years old, the user will not be
permitted to register with or enter the Site or submit personally identifiable
information that would be transmitted to us via the Site. In the event we
learn that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of
13 years of age via the Site, we will delete the information as soon as
possible. If you believe we have information from or about a child under the age
of 13 years old, please contact us immediately by email at:

5. Cookies.

We may use small text files called cookies or similar technologies to improve
overall Site experience. A cookie is a piece of data stored on the web browser
of a user’s hard drive. Cookies do not store or contain personally
identifiable information. Cookies enable us to “relate” a user’s activities on
and visits to our Site. Cookies must be enabled for you to use certain areas
of the Site.

Third party advertisements on the Site may also contain cookies. Mon Gym does not control these cookies. Users should review the privacy policy of the third party to
determine whether and how the third party advertisers use cookies.

Users can program their web browsers to warn them every time a cookie is sent. Users
can also program their web browsers to refuse cookies. Please note that without
cookies users may not have access to certain services or content on the Site.

6. Aggregate Information.

The Site may track the total number of visitors to our Site, the number of
visitors to each page of our Site, IP addresses, External Websites (defined
below in Section 7) linked to, and we may analyze this data for trends and
statistics in the aggregate, but such information will be maintained, used and
disclosed in aggregate form only and it will not contain personally
identifiable information. We may use such aggregate information to analyze
trends, administer the Site, track users’ movement, and gather broad
demographic information for aggregate use.

7. Disclosure.

We may disclose your personally identifiable information that we collect and the
data generated by cookies to our parent, subsidiary or affiliate entities
within our corporate family, our franchisees, third party partner entities and
the vendors and service agencies that we may engage to assist us. For example,
we may provide your personally identifiable information to an organization in
order to complete a service (e.g., process your payment). Such third party
entities will be restricted from further distributing your personally
identifiable information and may be obligated to a written confidentiality
agreement that is at least as protective of your personally identifiable
information as the terms of this Privacy Policy and they will not be permitted
to further distribute your personally identifiable information. However, such
third party entities may use your personally identifiable information to send
you marketing or promotional materials. We also will disclose your personally
identifiable information if we reasonably believe we are required to do so by
law, regulation or other government authority. We may also disclose your
personally identifiable information to enforce the Terms of Use
or to protect the safety and security of our users. We will not sell your
personally identifiable information to any other company or organization except
we may transfer your personally identifiable information to a successor entity
upon a merger, consolidation or other corporate reorganization in which Mon Gym participates or to a purchaser of all or substantially all of Mon Gym’s assets to which this
Site relates.

8. Links to Third Party Sites.

The Site may provide links to other websites or resources operated by other
companies over which Mon Gym does not own, operate or control (“External
Websites”). Such links do not constitute an endorsement by Mon Gym of those External Websites. You acknowledge and agree that Mon Gym is providing these links to
you only as a convenience, and further agree that Mon Gym is not responsible for
the content of such External Websites. Your use of External Websites is subject
to the terms of use and privacy policies located on the linked to External Websites.
You should review the privacy policies and terms of use of any External
Websites to determine how these websites collect and/or use your personally
identifiable information.

9. Security.

We may employ procedural and technological measures, consistent with industry
practice. Such measures are reasonably designed to help protect your personally
identifiable information from loss, unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
alteration or destruction. Mon Gym may use firewalls, internal restrictions,
password protection and other security measures to help prevent unauthorized
access to or disclosure of your personally identifiable information.


Youruse including, without limitation, to your provision of personally identifiable
information constitutes your consent to our collection and use of your personal
information in this Privacy Policy.

11. Correction/Updating Personally Identifiable Information.

Mon Gym provides you with the ability to review, correct and delete any of the
personally identifiable information that you have provided to us. If you wish
to review or correct any information you have provided to us, you may contact
us by email at:

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy please contact us via
email at: